Exploring Childhood Outdoors
E.C.O. is a year-round Reggio Emilia-Inspired Forest School program for children ages 3 to 5 years.
Three Days
Days: MTW
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuition: $600/month
Two Days
Days: MT or TW
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuition: $400/month
One Day
Choose: M or W
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuition: $220/month
The E.C.O. Experience
A PLAYce for an Authentic Childhood
​The days of childhood should be filled with the right to choose, move, create, be read to, sing, connect, be outside, ask questions, observe, discuss, reflect, express feelings, make mistakes, and solve problems—all accomplished while playing.
Play-activated learning invites your child to:
Learn and exercise social and emotional skills.
Enhance cognitive and process skills.
Explore forestry and ecology curricular concepts.
Investigate the world through emergent curricula embedded throughout the play experience.
Connect with passionate, highly-qualified educators who value and understand the processof learning.
Children should always arrive dressed for the current weather conditions.
Welcome at 9:30 a.m.
Open-Ended Play
Opening Circle
Community Lunch
Story Time & Mindfulness
Open-Ended Play
Campfire Snack & Stories
Closing Circle
Farewell at 3:30 p.m.
Sample Daily Rhythm
Hours of uninterrupted outdoor time
All-weather immersive experiences
Open-ended, self-directed play
Process art
Emergent curricular experiences embedded in play
Priority is placed on open-ended, exploratory play.
Learning invitations are seasonal, nature-based, and connected to the children's daily outdoor discoveries.
We incorporate developmentally appropriate practices in Early Childhood Education with a holistic approach inspired by the Reggio Emilia educational philosophies.
​Specialized opportunities to explore local creeks, springs, forests, farms, museums, and rivers.
Outdoor and indoor learning hubs​
E.C.O. has a small child-to-educator ratio of 8:1. ​​​
Multi-aged groups provide specialized opportunities for social learning.
Dynamically balanced learning develops your child wholly.
Continuous learning from a balanced calendar.
10-week sessions​ with seasonal breaks
See our Calendar
Attending consecutive days in our program improves behaviors and increases time awareness skills.
Frequent authentic documentation of the learning process will connect you with your child’s day.
Exclusive events include bonfires, special visit days, holiday celebrations, campouts, child-led performances, and ceremonies.​​
This specialized educational program serves as a prerequisite enrichment to promote a high-quality academic environment, which fosters the love and joy of learning and promotes success in forest kindergarten and throughout the child's life.
Belonging to a supportive learning community.